

had great fun today!
didn't go for th english extra lesson =x
went bbQ-ing ad west coast park with DaphanieHONEY, LienchingQINGAIDERHS, EstherDEAR, VenessaCANDY & Eunice :)
& as usual, i'm late =x
everyone was waiting for me.
Esther was sexy seh =x
& Eunice look so lik a superstar with her sunglasses (:
got many ti ko-s ad th mrt keep bi0-ing Esther lahs.
how can lik that?! i smack them ah.
only i can bi0 her mars ><
When we reached west coast park, we're al half dead.
it was so warm and hot there
& my god, i wore jeans.
Lienching wore high heels -.-
we actually used others pit =x
cause that pit was shady.
then we acted blurr when that person asked =x
we bbQ chicken wings, hotdogs, marshmallow & corn.
* eat eat eat .. *
then we went to play th playground ^.^
Daph, Eunice, Esther & me climbed th spider web
was so high up lorr.
Venn & Ching was afraid so they watched us climbing th web.
although it's abit frightening,
but it's fun :D
After that Venn and Ching left,
cause Ching had to leave D:
we c'tinued playing.
then we played that so cal swing?
then everyone climbed up then it was unbalance -.-
then Esther and me fell down!
LOL LOL LOL. so funny luhs.
And our palm was very pain -.-
But xiao si wo lers.
i fell on Esther =x
* play play play play ..... *
we went back to bbQ.
then Esther and Eunice went to buy drink ad Mac.
Honey and i went to th pit to set up th fire again.
Both ofh us can set up by ourselves oks?
girls independent. hahahahahahas
Ok lah, i think it was al honey's hard work.
Cause i was only helping her to put charcoal only =x
left 4 ofh us bbQ-ing -.-
But was stil quite fun.
eat eat, chit-chat then we packed and went to playground again.
and this time was ad night.
then seeing two couples ad th spider web was so romantic,
we climbed up too :))
then look ad th moon and stars
sat ad th top top and chatted for quite some time until 9+~
then we had to leave when Eunice's parent came to fetch us.
They gave us a ride home.
thank you ~
home sweet home.
zi lian-ed.
we took many many many many photos =x
i had car sick :(
omq. i have eyebaqs ><
^.^ we had a great fun But planning wasn't good enough.
But next time we'll have another th one and ll cal more peeps! :DD