Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
went to th chinese garden to have our school's annually x-country !
th weather is simply killing me.
i walked through out th whole run together with madel and li yan.
i think we're th last for th girls? lol.
but hey, at least we did completed th run okays? x)
we actually wanted to go home after marking our attendance,
but when madel and me accompanied li yan to mark hers,
it was too late ! aww.
oh, neverminds.
i stil can't forget about that dead chameleon !! argh !
i was walking over it or i stepped on it?! ee.
angeline told me ta look below of me and when i looked down !
that dead chameleon with it's bloody flesh body which can be seen !
and when i screamed, madel screamed with me too. lol.
we left secretly after th run.
ate breakfast at th macdonalds with madel !
had hotcakes ! yum yum.
afterwards i went home.
got bathed and spent th rest of th time playing fish tycoon !
until madel came to my house.
then i continued to play my game while waiting for qingaiderhs to reach !
we wasn't allowed to enter th school in our slippers.
we had to go back home to change !
argh. that bloody guard again
talk so much. felt lik killing him.
lend qingaiderhs my shoe.
and madel had to cal her maid to bring for her.
how troublesome.
ms tay looks lik a housefly with her shades on. HAHA
supposingly meeting her at 1400 in th school.
dragged to 1430.
li yan was early.
she wore slippers too.
yet she wasn't notice by th guard !
la LA la.
after our vocal practice, madel went to my house to do th proposal.
she was lik editing th photo for hours !
because it was written there that they want a group photo.
but after cut, crop, colour... BLA BLA BLA.
she only managed to put me and qingaiderhs together from two different photo !
which is,

it was then very late at night.
so we gave up.
our group name is APTITUDE.
{which means, having an ability to do something
and it also sounds like attitude} -MADEL.
found this name when i flipped through th dictionary. x)
and madel also agreed, so is not bad yea??
actually we named it SUGARLICIOUS.
but well.. it sounds too sweet?
so yarhs.
and also thanks for madels many contributions. :)
after she left i went bathing again and eat dinner !
was real hungry because we're busy doing th proposal and didn't have th time to eat !
only muching on some tibits.
gastric pain again =x
i'm very tired now.
goodnights !
busy buzzy day.

beary <3 hunny.
th weather is simply killing me.
i walked through out th whole run together with madel and li yan.
i think we're th last for th girls? lol.
but hey, at least we did completed th run okays? x)
we actually wanted to go home after marking our attendance,
but when madel and me accompanied li yan to mark hers,
it was too late ! aww.
oh, neverminds.
i stil can't forget about that dead chameleon !! argh !
i was walking over it or i stepped on it?! ee.
angeline told me ta look below of me and when i looked down !
that dead chameleon with it's bloody flesh body which can be seen !
and when i screamed, madel screamed with me too. lol.
we left secretly after th run.
ate breakfast at th macdonalds with madel !
had hotcakes ! yum yum.
afterwards i went home.
got bathed and spent th rest of th time playing fish tycoon !
until madel came to my house.
then i continued to play my game while waiting for qingaiderhs to reach !
we wasn't allowed to enter th school in our slippers.
we had to go back home to change !
argh. that bloody guard again
talk so much. felt lik killing him.
lend qingaiderhs my shoe.
and madel had to cal her maid to bring for her.
how troublesome.
ms tay looks lik a housefly with her shades on. HAHA
supposingly meeting her at 1400 in th school.
dragged to 1430.
li yan was early.
she wore slippers too.
yet she wasn't notice by th guard !
la LA la.
after our vocal practice, madel went to my house to do th proposal.
she was lik editing th photo for hours !
because it was written there that they want a group photo.
but after cut, crop, colour... BLA BLA BLA.
she only managed to put me and qingaiderhs together from two different photo !
which is,

it was then very late at night.
so we gave up.
our group name is APTITUDE.
{which means, having an ability to do something
and it also sounds like attitude} -MADEL.
found this name when i flipped through th dictionary. x)
and madel also agreed, so is not bad yea??
actually we named it SUGARLICIOUS.
but well.. it sounds too sweet?
so yarhs.
and also thanks for madels many contributions. :)
after she left i went bathing again and eat dinner !
was real hungry because we're busy doing th proposal and didn't have th time to eat !
only muching on some tibits.
gastric pain again =x
i'm very tired now.
goodnights !
busy buzzy day.
beary <3 hunny.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
after al these photos, you can see that i'm way too bored uh.
weather is extremly bad nowadays.
no more history khaw.
aww. never thought that th new history teacher is MR LOW. again
argh argh argh.
oh, thats saddening okays?
recalled th time when we had our mye, poa.
i think he's abit mad?
after school madeline came to my house.
actually we're supposingly meeting ms tay,
but we didn't manage to contact her...
so madel came to my house first.
after sometime, ms tay called back and we went back to school.
duh ! talked about th a ccapella.
she called me to sing a song for her
i was afraid to sing so i don't sing,
then she criticize on me. giving me cold blankets~
then i sing lohhhhhh. sing only MUARHS
lik i didn't sing before meh !
okays, got veh stressed up by her then.
because we're outside th lvl 3 staff room !
until i felt more secure, i had more interest in it now. x)
which i actually didn't wanted it at th first place. =x
saw JOYCE walked passed us.
so ms tay thought of an idea to cal her to join us
because our group have only madel, li yan, lien ching and me !
ms tay called joyce ta sing a song.
and she sang "zhuan shu tian shi".
i tried my whole might not ta laugh out...
but in th end i bursted out in laughter !
alrights, i wasn't doing it on purpose which her voice was getting higher and higher
from airy to v v v v v airy. lol
maybe she might be joining us ><
so now i'm thinking whether is she walking pass us on purpose?
i don't want her to sing with us...
aren't looking down on her or disliking her.
but i finding it hard to communicate with her. :)
after that we needed li yan and qingaiderhs to be with us.
so i called them.
li yan came after a jiffy. :)
but i can't cal thru qingaiderhs.
*sing sang sung.
sing-ed and left :)
what a tiring day !
ll be having x-country tommorrow !
& take cares everyone ! x)
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
slept in veh early last night !
yet was yawning th whole day lonnng.
got fairly upset over an incident yesterday.
OK. cheer up, agatha.
life is sweet.
yesterday, school was so so boring.
aww. changed mt teacher to ms zhang?
sighed, no more alan choo. :(
sadly, noone listens to her.
al deliberately ignored her.
& none brought our books as mr choo won't reprimand us
how sad uh.
changed ss teacher too.
to mr low. that sweaty teacher.
he brought us to th IT resource room.
heh. we made a din in there =x
today, mr ng talked to eunice and me about th disapproval of th change of subject.
he wanted to talk to us individually and ms tay wanted me first, so eunice waited outside for her turn.
hemmed and hawed.
when it's eunice's turn, i waited outside and did my chem wks.
my talk was much longer then eunice's.
tsk, we did not managed to change th fact.
had choir.
choir was also boring.
only 13 of us was present, including 2 peepo who wasn't a member.
3 seniors, including me.
one sec 2 which was JOYCE and th rest are sec 1s. sad lahhhhhhhhh
ms tay asked us whether are we interested to form an a cappella group.
i told li yan and madel to count me out...
mostly th sec ones are interested in it but ms tay was lik so reality, pouring them with cold water, saying that she wants th seniors only. oo
walked home with li yan.
when was bathing, adeline sent me 27 blank msgs.
she says it was an accident. lol
yet was yawning th whole day lonnng.
got fairly upset over an incident yesterday.
OK. cheer up, agatha.
life is sweet.
yesterday, school was so so boring.
aww. changed mt teacher to ms zhang?
sighed, no more alan choo. :(
sadly, noone listens to her.
al deliberately ignored her.
& none brought our books as mr choo won't reprimand us
how sad uh.
changed ss teacher too.
to mr low. that sweaty teacher.
he brought us to th IT resource room.
heh. we made a din in there =x
today, mr ng talked to eunice and me about th disapproval of th change of subject.
he wanted to talk to us individually and ms tay wanted me first, so eunice waited outside for her turn.
hemmed and hawed.
when it's eunice's turn, i waited outside and did my chem wks.
my talk was much longer then eunice's.
tsk, we did not managed to change th fact.
had choir.
choir was also boring.
only 13 of us was present, including 2 peepo who wasn't a member.
3 seniors, including me.
one sec 2 which was JOYCE and th rest are sec 1s. sad lahhhhhhhhh
ms tay asked us whether are we interested to form an a cappella group.
i told li yan and madel to count me out...
mostly th sec ones are interested in it but ms tay was lik so reality, pouring them with cold water, saying that she wants th seniors only. oo
walked home with li yan.
when was bathing, adeline sent me 27 blank msgs.
she says it was an accident. lol
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
th first day of term 3. aww.
school was boring.
isn't that a new start?
am i going to improve? hoping so.
got vv upset in school today. but somehow, i didn't show it out.
i felt so alone.
my appeal letter was disapproved.
mom called me when i'm in school and she told me something real sad.
i want to cry. haish
forget about al those unhappy.
whee. went lot with carrie
had suki with her. x)
okays, afterwards i went to get something for my sis !
because tomorrow is her birthday !
hopes she ll appreciate yaa. :)
maybe things ll turn out better tomorrow yeaa?
BTW, try scrolling up and down for my previous post...
you can see th pandaas moving.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
just came home from lot.
bought alot of necessities with mommy and sis.
saw th two him*
had tuition in th afternoon because i didn't managed to complete my homework.
so postponed th day to go out with carrie to tomorrow.
time is real tight and holidays are going to be over after tomorrow. aww.
alrights, talk about yesterday night !
i made cupcakes ! cuppycakes !
it turned out to be ALRIGHT only.
my dinner is here.
bye !
replies of tags,
daphanie - ohs, i see. lol <3s.
lienching - i miss my qingaiderhs too ! many many ! ><
evia - hi hi. morning~
venessa - yups. and it's a MUST x)
meiyan - ko ai <3s ko ai !
Friday, June 22, 2007


whee. went bbQ-ing with al my beloved friends, or should i say classmates?
oh, whatever. :)
met at 1000. but was delayed to about 1030?
as usual honey met me downstairs of my house and both of us walked to yt to meet dear and eunice.
while walking, honey told me that she had forgotten to bring th butter -.-
she also told me that eunice had forgotten to bring th tongs out -.-
we have no choice but to tel qingaiderhs to buy.
we took train, supposingly meeting qingaiderhs, ko ai and my candy at th cck.
but i think we're at a far end? so we then met them at th interchange.
they thought i didn't bring th chicken wings with me because i stuffed everything inside a small carrier. heh.
when we got in th train, al of us sat on th floor and chatted loudly.
so it was lik al eyes was on us. =x
we even played murderer in th train.
we took bus to th place we bbQ which is daph's house?
but inbetween we stopped at th bus stop outside a cold storage.
because we needed to buy th margarine.
when we got in, we saw alcohols ~
it seemed tempting.
so they asked esther and me to buy, because they said that we look lik 18. i'm wondering whether is it i got "chao lao bean"? lol.
i remembered few months ago when i tried to buy from th 7 11.
th cashier said that "you look sooooo young" -.-
so didn't managed to buy. aww ~
but this time with esther, managed to buy a big bottle.
maybe it's because of esther? as she was wearing her make up
or i aged? ><
when i was waiting alone in th cold storage, got this women with a child was diao-ing me. grr
then theres this stupid guy which knocked onto me !
angry angry angry ! but he did said sorry.
okays, is i small hearted.
after we alighted from th bus and got in her condo.
*blah blah blah
started bbQ-ing our chicken wings, hot dogs and otah.
this time they said th chicken wings was nice. :)
of cause ~ my mommy marinated th wings this time !
there goes a chinese phrase, old ginger is always th spiciest ! i agree.
after sometime of bbQ-ing, we went to play in th swimming pool.
don't know why, honey and eunice got into a fight.
then venessa was trying to be nice to help them... but in th end she was pushed into th water by them T.T
*blah blah blah
went to th washroom to get dry up.
and i can say eunice is so daring ~
shall not mention much. :)
after that, we went to finish up bbQ-ing those foods that are stil not yet bbQ-ed.
then we packed up and left.
then when going back in th train, we even talked about what our childrens ll be named. hahas x)
a very short day today. because eunice and esther have to work later on.
but stil, it's a short and sweet one. :)
we went to mac and esther was late for her work.
so after she have got changed, she have to work straight away.
eunice works later, so she chatted with us until it's her time for her work.
we had mac flurrys ! and it's so so nice with lotsa oreos ! :P
sadly, qingaiderhs didn't have hers.
copied chemistry homework from qingaiderhs =x
someone went to sweet with her boyfriend and left venessa, qingaiderhs, ko ai and me there ! sad sad.
took bus home.
reached home around 1900.
gonna rush my hols/tuition homeworks !
bye ~
- <3 ALL :)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
whee. i slept early yesterday night !
and it's night, not morning. x)
phew ~ finally.
i guess i was worn off.
but i did woke up at 0100 !
then i forced myself back into sleep.
i woke up late too =x
meow. supposingly to go out with mommy to buy my school shoe as my old one was torn !
but i'm too lazy and my legs are aching, so ~
holidays are left with only 3 days ! ><
and al of my holiday's assignment are yet not touched !
oh my ~
i promised myself not to be rushing al homeworks at th last minute...
but ! tsk tsk.
shall not talk about this.
tomorrow am having bbQ !
this time includes MEI YAN ! :)
alrights, i'm eating now.
bye !
" i doubt of you, dumbass.
never will i believe in you.
save your breath. you liar "
and it's night, not morning. x)
phew ~ finally.
i guess i was worn off.
but i did woke up at 0100 !
then i forced myself back into sleep.
i woke up late too =x
meow. supposingly to go out with mommy to buy my school shoe as my old one was torn !
but i'm too lazy and my legs are aching, so ~
holidays are left with only 3 days ! ><
and al of my holiday's assignment are yet not touched !
oh my ~
i promised myself not to be rushing al homeworks at th last minute...
but ! tsk tsk.
shall not talk about this.
tomorrow am having bbQ !
this time includes MEI YAN ! :)
alrights, i'm eating now.
bye !
" i doubt of you, dumbass.
never will i believe in you.
save your breath. you liar "
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
slept at 0400 and i was awaken by th alarms and phone calls at 0830 ! argh.
met daphanie, esther, eunice, lienching and mei yan to sheng siong to buy bbQ items for this friday's bbQ !
sheng siong ~ MY FAV x)
okays, i am just kidding.
but why do we have to meet at 0930?
okays, it's because of th two workaholics ; eunice and esther.
esther should be real rich now. working for th whole june holiday.
so i think i should get close with her. heh.
waited for daph at my house downstairs and we walked to yew tee.
reached yew tee, then honey went atm to withdraw $$
then we took train to cck to meet th rest.
reached sheng siong.
we went to th 2nd lvl to buy charcoals, matches, fire startle...
then eunice accidently dropped th box of fire startle !!
*skip skip.
not long after we went to th market to buy foods,
eunice had to leave ! :(
okays, c'tinue to buy buy buy.
took train to cck and aparted with chayedans and hebaodans. :(
left daph, esther and me.
accompanied esther to macdonalds because she actually wanted to take leave today and go shopping with us. but her manager don't allow her unless she can find a replacement.
esther can't find any, so she have to work. :(
walked home with daph to put th chicken wings.
saw a blur blur pig ! lol.
was so shocked & ..
shall not mention too much =x
went home took $$ and off we went to school to help eunice to hand her letter of changing subject to th office.
th guard was and IS so ****
went back yew tee to offer a help to esther helping her returning her vvvv overdued books. :)
then we had our lunch there before we went to lot.
after returning th book,
we took train to bugis.
went bugis street shop shop.
after hours of shoppings and many many hesitations.
honey and me finally got a thing we lik :)
i bought a top & honey bought a shorts.
went junction shop shop awhile then we took train back to mac again.
my legs are going to break ! blisters and aches. aww.
we had mac flurrys while waiting for esther to finish her work.
saw sanly at mac. she's with her sis.
after that, we three left th mac together.
esther walked home.
because of my painful legs, daph and me took bus home
i am high, angry, elated, moody, vex,
sad, happy, furious, jealous, screaming, crying,
laughing, envy, fucked, hatred, mad, low, shag and excited.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
i slept around 0400 and woke up at 0840.
oh my gosh ! th becoming of PANDA.
had prefect meeting at 0900, but i reached there at 0920.
i went for it because i thought this meeting was important.
but didn't know it's just th planning of upcoming events only ! groans*
and theres only 11 of us present. :(
aww. there goes my beauty sleep !
whee. i've handed in th change of subject letter just now !
had made up my mind for ART.
i had my nap ! x)
but mommy woke me up. aww.
i guess my incoming ll
be darn full tomorrow ! ><
*please don't be sucha FAKE, thank you*
don't be an empty talker in my heart can?
i'm utterly disappointed in you.
have i lost hope in my good friend? sighed*
hopefully, arent.
oh my gosh ! th becoming of PANDA.
had prefect meeting at 0900, but i reached there at 0920.
i went for it because i thought this meeting was important.
but didn't know it's just th planning of upcoming events only ! groans*
and theres only 11 of us present. :(
aww. there goes my beauty sleep !
whee. i've handed in th change of subject letter just now !
had made up my mind for ART.
i had my nap ! x)
but mommy woke me up. aww.
i guess my incoming ll
be darn full tomorrow ! ><
*please don't be sucha FAKE, thank you*
don't be an empty talker in my heart can?
i'm utterly disappointed in you.
have i lost hope in my good friend? sighed*
hopefully, arent.
Monday, June 18, 2007

slept at 0600 this morning, woke up at 1000.
can't fall asleep because i had cramps. argh !
whee. went out with Qingaiderhs today !
supposingly should be on th 12th ! But we're too lazy to go out,
so postponed it to today ! heh.
met at yt. And i was late ! felt terribly sorry to Qingaiderhs !
went to yt mac intending to give Esther a surprise !
which we had already planned to do so last week.
we saw Eunice and Venessa there. they were there doing their homeworks.
poor Eunice had her eye swollen. :(
after that we went to lot to return
my vv overdued library books.
Qingaiderhs was so kind to help me take one of my books. :)
took bus 188 to habourfront !
And th journey was sure a long and bumpy one.
got a li'l carsick. :(
and when we finally reached,
we got down.
*walk walk walk
a guy, with Lienching in between was looking at me.
then he smiled at me. felt abit scared lahhh
after we walked past him, he was stil looking back at me..
w a smile. look pervertic?
luckily Qingaiderhs was in between us ! *phew
okays, you can say that if i did not look at him, how would i know that he's looking at me? HAHA.
But he was. :(
walked to vivo city.
and th first place we went was th pet safari ; pets lover centre.
Because one li'l 15 year old ger ger wanted to visit this li'l doggie which is v kwute which i have to admit !
a 3 months old terrier.
saw th other doggie which is v kwute too and it resemble lik momo ; my sis's dog.
other than dogs, we saw cats, hamsters and bunny ! ><
there are only 2 bunny i saw, not really nice one.
big big bunnies.
we wanted to watch a movie
but seems lik there are no movies that we're interested in. :(
so, ended up buying a popcorn set to share w.
& went several shops.
after that i wanted to go daiso.
But while we're on th escalator, i think i poke her? as what she said. =x
she went unbalanced and th whole box of th popcorn dropped on th escalator ! *lol
we went to th security guard to help us to cal someone to clean th mess
& th guard was so friendly. he said " don't worry, we'll ask someone to clean :) *w a smile " .
we spent alot of our time in daiso =x
whee. bought a kwute mug & a cupcake mix.
afterwards we went to have my fav ben and jerry's ice-cream !
stil th same sweet cream and cookie ! ><
*eat eat eat
went to th candy empire ! :D
i remembered when we're heading our way to th candy empire, theres this guy which was behind us following us down which i think he is also going to th enterance there where th candy empire was. But we went to th other escalator which was to th carpark ! HAHA
took th train home,
meet mommy at yt to do some groceries
then went home. :)
my legs are aching. :(
Qingaiderhs !