slept at 0600 this morning, woke up at 1000.
can't fall asleep because i had cramps. argh !
whee. went out with Qingaiderhs today !
supposingly should be on th 12th ! But we're too lazy to go out,
so postponed it to today ! heh.
met at yt. And i was late ! felt terribly sorry to Qingaiderhs !
went to yt mac intending to give Esther a surprise !
which we had already planned to do so last week.
we saw Eunice and Venessa there. they were there doing their homeworks.
poor Eunice had her eye swollen. :(
after that we went to lot to return
my vv overdued library books.
Qingaiderhs was so kind to help me take one of my books. :)
took bus 188 to habourfront !
And th journey was sure a long and bumpy one.
got a li'l carsick. :(
and when we finally reached,
we got down.
*walk walk walk
a guy, with Lienching in between was looking at me.
then he smiled at me. felt abit scared lahhh
after we walked past him, he was stil looking back at me..
w a smile. look pervertic?
luckily Qingaiderhs was in between us ! *phew
okays, you can say that if i did not look at him, how would i know that he's looking at me? HAHA.
But he was. :(
walked to vivo city.
and th first place we went was th pet safari ; pets lover centre.
Because one li'l 15 year old ger ger wanted to visit this li'l doggie which is v kwute which i have to admit !
a 3 months old terrier.
saw th other doggie which is v kwute too and it resemble lik momo ; my sis's dog.
other than dogs, we saw cats, hamsters and bunny ! ><
there are only 2 bunny i saw, not really nice one.
big big bunnies.
we wanted to watch a movie
but seems lik there are no movies that we're interested in. :(
so, ended up buying a popcorn set to share w.
& went several shops.
after that i wanted to go daiso.
But while we're on th escalator, i think i poke her? as what she said. =x
she went unbalanced and th whole box of th popcorn dropped on th escalator ! *lol
we went to th security guard to help us to cal someone to clean th mess
& th guard was so friendly. he said " don't worry, we'll ask someone to clean :) *w a smile " .
we spent alot of our time in daiso =x
whee. bought a kwute mug & a cupcake mix.
afterwards we went to have my fav ben and jerry's ice-cream !
stil th same sweet cream and cookie ! ><
*eat eat eat
went to th candy empire ! :D
i remembered when we're heading our way to th candy empire, theres this guy which was behind us following us down which i think he is also going to th enterance there where th candy empire was. But we went to th other escalator which was to th carpark ! HAHA
took th train home,
meet mommy at yt to do some groceries
then went home. :)
my legs are aching. :(
Qingaiderhs !
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