

whee. went bbQ-ing with al my beloved friends, or should i say classmates?
oh, whatever. :)
met at 1000. but was delayed to about 1030?
as usual honey met me downstairs of my house and both of us walked to yt to meet dear and eunice.
while walking, honey told me that she had forgotten to bring th butter -.-
she also told me that eunice had forgotten to bring th tongs out -.-
we have no choice but to tel qingaiderhs to buy.
we took train, supposingly meeting qingaiderhs, ko ai and my candy at th cck.
but i think we're at a far end? so we then met them at th interchange.
they thought i didn't bring th chicken wings with me because i stuffed everything inside a small carrier. heh.
when we got in th train, al of us sat on th floor and chatted loudly.
so it was lik al eyes was on us. =x
we even played murderer in th train.
we took bus to th place we bbQ which is daph's house?
but inbetween we stopped at th bus stop outside a cold storage.
because we needed to buy th margarine.
when we got in, we saw alcohols ~
it seemed tempting.
so they asked esther and me to buy, because they said that we look lik 18. i'm wondering whether is it i got "chao lao bean"? lol.
i remembered few months ago when i tried to buy from th 7 11.
th cashier said that "you look sooooo young" -.-
so didn't managed to buy. aww ~
but this time with esther, managed to buy a big bottle.
maybe it's because of esther? as she was wearing her make up
or i aged? ><
when i was waiting alone in th cold storage, got this women with a child was diao-ing me. grr
then theres this stupid guy which knocked onto me !
angry angry angry ! but he did said sorry.
okays, is i small hearted.
after we alighted from th bus and got in her condo.
*blah blah blah
started bbQ-ing our chicken wings, hot dogs and otah.
this time they said th chicken wings was nice. :)
of cause ~ my mommy marinated th wings this time !
there goes a chinese phrase, old ginger is always th spiciest ! i agree.
after sometime of bbQ-ing, we went to play in th swimming pool.
don't know why, honey and eunice got into a fight.
then venessa was trying to be nice to help them... but in th end she was pushed into th water by them T.T
*blah blah blah
went to th washroom to get dry up.
and i can say eunice is so daring ~
shall not mention much. :)
after that, we went to finish up bbQ-ing those foods that are stil not yet bbQ-ed.
then we packed up and left.
then when going back in th train, we even talked about what our childrens ll be named. hahas x)
a very short day today. because eunice and esther have to work later on.
but stil, it's a short and sweet one. :)
we went to mac and esther was late for her work.
so after she have got changed, she have to work straight away.
eunice works later, so she chatted with us until it's her time for her work.
we had mac flurrys ! and it's so so nice with lotsa oreos ! :P
sadly, qingaiderhs didn't have hers.
copied chemistry homework from qingaiderhs =x
someone went to sweet with her boyfriend and left venessa, qingaiderhs, ko ai and me there ! sad sad.
took bus home.
reached home around 1900.
gonna rush my hols/tuition homeworks !
bye ~
- <3 ALL :)
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