talk about yesterday.
went to esplanade to watch th performance with qingaiderhs which APTITUDE actually wanted to participate in.
we didn't manage to send in th demo by time, thus we dropped th idea 2 weeks ago.
but, we received a cal from them asking what song are we singing later on
& even skipped maths class and stayed in th toilet to talk about that.
in th end, we dropped th idea of performing as th gm's attitude was poor.
and because qingaiderhs and me stil wanted to watch how others wil fare, we went.
was kinda late because i was slow and we had our lunch cum dinner at th long john.
reached there about 8:00 though it starts at 7:00.
i thought we went wrongly, because i heard sounds of instruments.
thinking that was a capella, how come there wil be instruments included?
it was actually th voice of th vocal percussionist.
it was so wow-wow. [dropping jaws]
was so fascinated for their wonderful performance. heh
esp for those vocal percussionists. oh my, oh my. [faints]
it was awesome, wonderful, perfect, niceee, fantastic, bombastic, fabulous, beautiful,
superb, flawless, excellent, supreme, impressive, impeccable, ultimate ! and whatever nice words you can think of.
th voice of th vocal percussionist kills me hardly.
how about me? [shook heads & sighed]
after th first one that we've seen.
they called out th next group.
was actually describing about that group was very special.
"each have special nicknames" was asking lienching that it was familiar.
"spending their free time singing to one another" why was it th same as my group?
"wil stil be together even after graduation" same?
"let's welcome APTITUDE!" LOL.
both of us bursted into laughters.
trying hard to control and kept quiet.
slowly there are sounds of groans and giggles.
how ashame.
it stil continues welcoming th next group.
we left after listening to th last not didn't stayed for th results as it was late.
listened to only 3 groups.
we seemed very blur and sua gu. went missing several times =x
only when asked th guards, we then know our way.
went to th roof terrace,
saw many many couples. T.T
oh, nevermind.
from far, saw a
big feris wheel.
aww, how niceeee x)

stil, th thought of their wonderful performance makes me to swallow my saliva.
luck, didn't went to be a laughing stock.
dar walked me home yesterday night. :)
loveeee you lots lots.
feeling terribly exhausted this morning.
i shall rest now.
goodbyes ! :)
down to my luck, shit.
loves my qingaiderhs,
incredibly much.
to th extreme.