
These photos were taken on 13th March 2009, I know it's like half a month ago.
Yeah, T and I went town, shopped around.
Settled down at ThaiExpress for our lunch cum dinner.
There was this middle aged waitress, she wanted to take our photos.
She mentioned T resembles like her cousin from Philippines, ha.
And she's gonna put the photo on Friendster for her cousin to see.
Which we doubt so, as if it is that matter, she should be the one who is taking the photo with T and not me.
Moreover the phone she used taking our photos aren't hers.
T suspect that it's just some staffs inside who wanted our photo.
She actually did not save the photo and we had to take the second time, ha.
Aftermath, we went to hmv music store.
Saw some headphones that are really chic!
Maybe shall get 1 of em' home soon as 1 side of my earpiece is spoilt!
I also wanna get speakers for my computer.