Saturday, September 29, 2007
whee. i've finally completed my fnn cw !
though it's a very late submission. :x
supposingly by 5pm, but whatevah.
i've also completed all of my homeworks below !
well, except for poa homeworks, which is dued tonight.
i did all my homework from yesterday till now !
hence, i'm wore out.
goodnights. (:
- start revision tomorrow !
jia you, agatha ! XD
Thursday, September 27, 2007
september holiday's english essay
two journey writing
mathematics quiz
september holiday's poa quiz
september holiday's poa course
mt workbook
fnn coursework
september holiday's 3 structured qns
ss source based qns
hist 8 qns
hist ws
04 days to eoy examination
and i've yet revise !*
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
was rather unhappy as my friends have doubled colour and i've only one.
finally... XD
esther and me - we do look eccentric uh?
had fnn practical on monday.
went for bbq with my family on last saturday ; an advance celebration for mooncake fest.
what's becoming of me, is what everyone around me caused to.
Friday, September 21, 2007

played with the photobooth using imac with Madeline during our poa lesson. XD
went to Hwa Chong for the colours awards day with the sec3s prefects.
can you imagine us, wearing our blazers with ties on in this sizzling hot weather which can actually kill us? did ushering. XD
went back to school, got changed and went to have lunch with Sufei. :)
i've forgotten to return my skirt, had left it in my bag. :x
i'm sucha scatterbrain. :x
walked home with my dearest baby.
thanks for the Pucca ! x)
okay, heres my class photo that i've got back just yesterday. x)
water babies ! X)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
<3333333333 ! (:
argh. was rather busy for this whole week !
heaps of undone homework are still waiting for me to complete and will be counted in CA marks.
was almost late for school today though i woke up earlier than before. :x
brought many books and it's like so heavy and when i got down from home, the side gate were locked !
grr. thus, hurried to the front gate instead.
lessons are getting boring,
mt mt: throughout the week is still the usual - letter writing.
maths: com-pli-ca-ted.
poa: for the whole lesson feeling so stress, rushing my physics tys.
phys: finally relaxed but the weather is so warm !
hist: watched video in the library(:
skipped hip-hop again. :/
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
i could start anew, right from the beginning.
only until the last minute then i realised,
i've paused at that particular place which lead me to slow down my pace for a very long time.
theres nothing i could do anymore...
but for now, i can only try my very best.
hmm, i wonder what is he doing right now...
english oral on this coming wednesday,
which means tomorrow.
and for fnn..
by next week, had to find 6 dishes recipes and cook 2 out of it.
what dish should i cook uh? :/
Monday, September 17, 2007

argh, was late for school. :x
and this made baby kinda pissed off cos i've promised him not to be late and he did gave me morning calls.
duibuqi laas.
anyways, i also don't want to be late.
had to face the prefects and had to do runs...
AND now, for our class... we had to write lines !
grr. fed up !
called madeline and found that she, with eunice and esther was late too.
i was like thinking, unbelievable.
i think i'm the last person who entered the school late.
when i reached there, there were so many of latecomers
and i know i looked weird with my eye, puffy. :x
the reason behind it is because i slept really late last night and i... :(
eoy examinations in 14 more days !
now, the school will not retain students but to drop them.
oh my~ i don't want to change new class every year ! I DON'T WANT !! T.T

monday blues ; school blues.
how bored uh.
starting of th school would be fnn,
following on after recess would be chemistry and then maths.
all of those subjects could actually freak me out. :(
sure i'll be dozing off in classes again.
*agatha, please be alert okay?
all th homeworks undone, still.
agatha, what are you actually doing??
Sunday, September 16, 2007
now her blog is ready for everyone to see ! :)
anyways, hows my new blogskin? :)
i felt pretty fine w it.
met sufei at yt.
was late :x
afterwards accompanied wendy to mac.
oh my,
haven't start doing my homeworks.
wohaoxiangni, baby.
I love Esther the most ! :)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
spent th whole day doing a blogskin for wendy.
was sitting infront of th screen th whole day and my back is aching.
i'm so glad that she like it and i like it too. x)
i find it's much more nicer than mine but it's just a little plain.
not going to intro her blog for meanwhile.
really have to study already.
end of year examinations is just a couple of weeks later.
no one is gonna help me if i'm not helping myself.
p/s : not forgetting all my beloveds, i love you all equally.
daph, est, ching, mei, madel, ven, eunice, wendy, sanly, sufei, ade and last but not least......
my dearest carrie ! x)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
feeling awfully stressed up.
i'm a totally failure.
failure in being a good friend, an understanding gf and a thoughtful daughter.
i'm just so lousy in everything.
today's chemistry test was just so fucking tough to me,
i didn't even bothered to study for it.
i don't know what bloody hell th question is trying to tell.
i couldn't even answer any.
only did some scribble on it hoping that it wouldn't look so empty.
i'm sucha great disappointment.
3 more weeks left to eoy.
what am i actually going to do??
wouldn't i just work real hard for this once?
i am tired.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
i'm super duper exhausted now,
so photos shall do th talk. :)


i am utterly disappointed in you.
you said those promises by your own and yet you broke it all.
still, you wanted to hide.
you're just an empty talker.
all words that you've said from now on i won't believe it anymore,
cos it's all rubbish. --
Monday, September 10, 2007
and hello to term 4. :(
ms chew rearranged our seats.
our group is lik so separated laa.
now, esther and i is seated far far away ! grr.
my madeline ! my daphanie ! argh.
but luckily my qingaiderhs will be sitting beside me ! *phew*
all holidays assignments i've yet to complete except for maths !
oh my. *faints*
okays, heres th new timetable.

i want a new blogskin !
[strangers are just friends you haven't met yet -- ]
Sunday, September 09, 2007
yesterday, saturday 08th sept.
tuition was cancelled but will resume tomorrow.
went to bugis w daph and venessa.
sorry, i know i am super duper late ! ><
shortly, daph went to meet her bf.
* daph, we do understand. no worries ! :)
la la la la ~
it was getting late and venessa have to leave.
so i went to lot one to meet w had been a very long time since we're together.
i was kinda mad whenever i'm w her. heh
we walked from lot one to her house.
reminisce th path which brought back us many memories.
both sad and happy memories we had together.
those memories which no longer hinders me now. x)
went to her house to get her stuffs which she wanted to scan
and off we went to stag for adeline's birthday "party".
due to wendy's scatterbrain, we had to go back to her house to take her stuffs again.
back to stag and to my house to scan and back to stag.
afterwards, i went to meet w my baby. :)
hardly can have time to blog recently ! mostly are late entries.
i guess i'll be staying at home completing my holiday assignments.
oh my, haven't touch a single yet.

Saturday, September 08, 2007
friday, seventh of september.
yesterday, sentosa w th prefects. :)
sunny sunny day.
aw, i've got a little sunburnt.
argh. got hit by ball 3 times.
how lucky uh. sure win lottery yea?
i want baby sayang ~
had a great talk w su fei !
was glad that she loves talking to me ! heh.
it had been seriously a long time since i really hang out w th prefects.
this beautiful memory will be kept safetly in my heart. :)
th laughters filled my day. :)
how about another outing someday? x)