It have been four consecutive days, i wonder does it really work? HAHA.
Yesterday, went Bugis with Teng Teng.
Waited for her until she got released from her class.
Then, went home and prepare while she's having her detention.
Met her around 5PM.
Eunice, Esther and Daphanie had already finished watching their movie when we just reached.
Can tell how long we need to get prepared uh.
Teng Teng spotted them in the crowd first hence we went to surprise them as we have not tell them we've reached. [:
Went on separate ways, we did our own shopping and they did theirs.
Dined there and saw Eunice with her parents.
Daphanie and Esther left earlier as Daphanie wasn't in a shoppin' mood.
Left street and to junction and saw Mr Chen there. [:
We got locked up in the stairs passage way.
But luckily, we managed to get out. Heh [:
No one in the world is indispensable.
Photo of the day, featuring Mr TCCYY. [:
There's telepathy between my sister and me LA.
She bought the jellies that i actually wanted to buy yesterday for me.
For the past two days was almost late for school.
On Friday was worst, woke up at 7:19AM.
Hopefully will be more punctual for Monday and will be in time for meeting.
Has been MIA-ing in prefect already.
Must sleep early tomorrow. [: